About ARSA and international recognition (page 4)
They wrote about us
About quality assurance in Moscow
About international project at Timiryazevka (including Pacagro)
About Pacagro during VUA general meeting in September, 2017 in Moscow
They wrote about project meeting and dissemination event in Nitra 2017
in Kabardino-Balkarskaja Pravda, 2017
They wrote about the process of accreditation done by the independent accreditation agency established by Tempus Pacagro project, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University in St. Petersburg, October 2016
They wrote about futher steps towards accreditation agency introduction and recognition in 2016 -2017
They wrote about the project meeting and workshop in Nitra, May 2016:
They wrote about opening of the accreditation agency:
Tempus PACAgro in newspaper Polnohospodar:
Book Review at Amity Business Review, 2015, India:
Amity Business Review, Vol. 16, No. 1, January- June, 2015
Promotion in newspaper Polnohospodar | 30.06.2016 |
Promotion in newspaper Polnohospodar | 20.02.2015 |
Promotion at the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University October 2014 | 07.11.2014 |
Promotion in newspaper Polnohospodar | 16.05.2014 |
Promotion in regional newspaper Nitrianske Noviny | 24.03.2014 |
They wrote about meeting in Kazan 2015:
They wrote about kick-off meeting in Nitra, May, 2014:
They wrote at the Aleksandro Stulginskio University:
They wrote about the project in AQU Spain:
They wrote about study visits in Slovakia and Spain: